Li 670.783 by 5900 ICP-OES

We recently got a 5900 ICP-OES I have noticed that Li 670.783 has better recovery for the middle standards in my curve when viewed in radial mode than it does when viewed in SVDV.  The middle standards (20, 10, 5 ppm) are recovering about 115% in SVDV and about 95% in radial mode.  I noticed when I set up two methods for only Li and Lu (my ISTD) with the exact same conditions except for the viewing mode.  I am hoping to achieve a Li range  from somewhere around 0.01 to 50 ppm, for which I would need to analyze the 670 line.  I would like to know why the 670 line seems to work better radially and if there is anything I can do to improve the recoveries in SVDV so that I don't have to increase the analysis time by using multiple viewing modes.  My matrix is 2% Nitric and 2% Hydrochloric.

I am not sure this is related, but I have not been able to get K to pass the wavelength calibration in radial mode.  It works in Axial mode though so that is the mode I used.

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