Low Sensitivity Issues During ICP-MS Tuning

We have a 7900 ICP-MS and just experienced a sensitivity issue when we were attempting to conduct a performance tune. We received the error (shown in the picture attached): 


"Hot Plasma correction failed because sensitivity is too low (140 u below 3000 cps). Ensure the tune solution is being introduced into the instrument. Check the sample introduction system (Nebulizer, Spray Chamber) and carry out maintenance if needed."



We attempted the performance tune twice and got the error both times. We also attempted a batch tune, but it was also ended prematurely due to the same error popping up. Our instrument has been working exceptionally well with the exception of a high background of Pb. No other issues have been experienced, and we had replaced the skimmer cone approximately 1 month ago. The sampling cone looks to be in excellent shape, and our x-lenses are very clean. 


I've attached our most recent performance tune file to this post, as well as the aforementioned screenshot of the error popup. 

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