Just wondering how I can fix calculations done on Masshunter? I have a spreadsheet that automatically calculates the ppm of samples, which should match up with masshunter. but doesn't. The first excel sheet is just an exported table from MassHunter. As you can see, The verification standard (although failing) and the drift standard both match up with their respective concentrations (they are off by a bit but still close). The second excel sheet, I have changed the total dilution on masshunter, which should give the correct concentration of 200 Hg [He], however, this is not the case. The third excel sheet I attached is a training method we used, and when inputting the numbers into the spreadsheet, matches with that on masshunter.The concentration from graph, ug found, and ug/serving in the first yellow spreadsheet should match up with the second green spreadsheet (which is from masshunter), but they don't.
The third green spreadsheet (again from Masshunter) matches up with the second yellow spreadsheet, which tells me that Masshunter calculations are wrong. *Changing the total dilution column in masshunter should give the same results in the yellow spreadsheet (see 4th and 5th picture). As you can see in the 5th and 6th picture, the ug/serving (ppm) matches with the concentration (ppb) from masshunter at 2.24 ppb.