This Information Applies To: Agilent 5000 Series ICP-OES Instruments
The spectrometer incorporates interlocks and covers that are used to monitor critical operations to ensure Operator and instrument protection. If the instrument is used in any manner not specified by Agilent, this protection may be impaired.
5800 ICP-OES
Warning: No interlock or cover must ever be bypassed, damaged or removed. It is good practice to develop safe working habits that do not depend upon the correct operation of the interlocks for safe operation.
Torch Compartment Door Interlock
The torch compartment door interlock monitors the state of the internal interlock. An open interlock switch will inhibit plasma ignition or extinguish an existing plasma.
Torch Loader Interlock
The torch loader interlock monitors the state of the internal interlock on the torch loader handle. An open interlock switch will inhibit plasma ignition or extinguish an existing plasma.
Instrument Temperature, Gas Flow and Pressure Monitoring
The ICP-OES monitors a number of internal temperatures, gas flows and pressures. If these values fall below or exceed specified limits the instrument will inhibit plasma ignition or extinguish an existing plasma.
Water Flow Monitoring
A water flow switch is fitted on the water manifold assembly. If there is insufficient water flow an error message 'Low water flow' is displayed in the ICP Expert software, and plasma ignition is inhibited. If this error is detected while the plasma is in operation, an immediate shut down will occur.
Cooling Fan Monitoring
Cooling fan operation is detected by an air flow sensor. If the air-cooling flow is detected to be insufficient, the instrument will inhibit plasma ignition or extinguish an existing plasma.
Plasma On Monitoring
An optical detector in the ICP-OES is positioned to detect light emitted by the plasma. If the plasma goes out, an alert message is displayed in the ICP Expert software. If this fault condition is detected while the plasma is on, the RF generator and the gas control unit are shut down.
RF Control Watchdog
The RF control watchdog effectively controls the plasma generating system. If the watchdog system detects that the plasma generation system is not operating correctly, the high-voltage supply is shut down.
High Voltage Power Supply Failure
If an overload condition is detected, ignition of the plasma will be inhibited or, if the plasma is already running, the RF power is shut down and the plasma is extinguished.
Tip: It is good practice to develop safe working habits that do not depend upon the correct operation of the interlocks for safe operation.
Learn how to effectively maintain and operate your Agilent ICP-OES:
ICPOES-5900-1200e - Agilent 5800/5900 ICP-OES with ICP Expert: Instrumentation Overview e-learning course available from Agilent education