This Information Applies to: Agilent OpenLab CDS
Use E-signatures for the Result set with enforced signatures and troubleshoot some issues that may arise throughout the process.
Check out articles on how locking results affect the E-sign process, and what happens if you do not lock results nor enforce the signature order.
To define signatures and signature levels in the OpenLab Control Panel, see the article Define E-Signature Levels in OpenLab CDS.
In this article, Users/Groups are defined as follows (Ignore the unchecked Enforced Signature order box for now) (Figure 1):
Figure 1: Example of Users/Groups
Figure 2: E-sign is unavailable if results are not processed
Figure 3: Prompt shown if trying to sign without saving results
Figure 4: Enforced signature order example
Caution: If there are pre-existing signatures with no enforcement, the signatures will still be there. This might affect the ability to sign even if the correct user is logged in. In Figure 5, despite cazainea5 being the Lab Manager, the pre-existing signatures do not allow for signing results.
The only ways to clear those are:
Figure 5: Pre-existing signatures will interfere with the enforced sign order
Figure 8: Available meaning for Lab Manager
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent OpenLab CDS:
Agilent 8890 GC with OpenLab CDS Agilent 1260 Infinity LC Systems with OpenLab CDS e-learning path available from Agilent education |