This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CSD 2.5 and above
The integration optimizer helps find a suitable set of integration events. It allows integration parameters to be tuned via sliders (peak width, slope sensitivity, height reject, peak separation modes, etc.) and the resulting integration to be previewed in real time in the Chromatograms window. This article outlines the step-by-step instruction on how to use Integration Optimizer in OpenLab CDS.
Steps to Follow
Figure 1. Integration Optimizer Layout
1. Home, 2. Expand Layouts, 3. Integration Optimizer
Figure 9. Exit Integration Optimizer layout
1. Integration optimizer layout, 2. Method layout
Figure 10 shows an example of basic use of Integration Optimizer with ChemStation integrator.
Figure 10. Example of Integration Optimizer - ChemStation integrator
Figure 11 shows an example of the basic use of Integration Optimizer with EZChrom integrator.
Figure 11. Example of Integration Optimizer - EZChrom integrator
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent OpenLab CDS Software:
HPLC-OLII-1140eV2 - Agilent Infinity LC systems with OpenLab CDS - Integration and viewing results (Ver. 2.6) eLearning course available from Agilent education |