After you join the Community, you can reply to a forum question or discussion by clicking Reply below the post. If you reply from your email client, please remove your signature so it is not inserted in the post.
See the following guidelines when replying to a forum question.
- If more details are needed to help answer the question, for example, if having the software type and version or instrument model would help you or other community members reply to the question with an accurate answer, ask for those details. An example is below.
- If you want to tag the question author, use @ and type the community username of the community member you want to tag.
- When you reply, try to make your message as complete as possible. If applicable, it may help to number different steps or suggestions, so the question author can reply to each step or suggestion.
- If you need to edit your reply, click More > Edit. It is ideal if there is one question with a single reply per Community member, until the author of the question replies with their feedback.
- If you think your forum response answers the question, select the Suggest as Answer check box.
- The author of the question will have the option to accept the answer or reject the answer and ask for more help. If the question is still unresolved, you and other community members can reply again with more suggestions.